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Rearticular o humano num interminável (des)conhecimento

“As Adriana Cavero points out, paraphrasing Arendt, the question we pose to the Other is simple and unanswerable: “who are you?”. The violent response is the one that does not ask, and does not seek to know. It wants to shore up what it knows, to expunge what threatens it with not-knowing, what forces it to reconsider the presuppositions of its world, their contingency, their malleability. The non-violent response lives with its unknowingness about the Other in the face of the Other, since sustaining the bond that the question opens is finally more valuable than knowing in advance what hold us in common, as if we already have all the resources we need to know what defines the human, what its future life might be.” (p. 35), Undoing Gender, J. Butler (negritos meus)


Blogger André said...

Ainda não li este Undoing. Promete!



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